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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I don't think the concern here is getting anywhere faster, or having to slow down or move for runners/bikers...I think the concern here is hitting people. Drivers have to worry about hitting people, and people SHOULD worry about being hit. It seems, often, that they don't. "Hit me - I need the money."

Running on asphalt makes sense - but choose asphalt where the speed limit is 25, not asphalt where the speed limit is 55. I don't WANT to hit you, but I will - not because I don't feel like being slowed down by you, but because you're dumb (and by "you" I mean Joe Blow The Charlottesville Jogger, not Leila or Jelani or any of our beloveds who run. They're not dumb like Charlottesville Joggers...).


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