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Wednesday, April 07, 2004
As you all know, it's Passover season (If you didn't know, pretend that you did). In any event, I decided yesterday that everything I ate had some type of rising agent in and that is why I had no food in the house. So, I went to the store to buy some "Jew Food."

As I stared at the empty shelves, one of the employees asked, "Oh, are you buying food for your friends?" I was still facing the shelves at the time, but now I had the "Are you kidding me?" look on my face. I looked at him and said, "Why couldn't I be buying food for me?" "You're not Jewish!", he remarked. So, I asked, "Why aren't I Jewish?" and with a very confused look of "oh shit" and WTF, he asked, "You're Jewish" Dragging out the Jewish as though he had either foggoten how to say the word or was trying to remember to raise the inflection in his voice to make it a proper question. "I am sorry to inform you" I siad, "but I am Jewish." He stared for a second and forced out an "oh" and then slowly backed away before I infected him. Then I left the store, hungry, empty-handed and laughing my ass off.

I love this Black Jewish Vegetarian stuff!


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