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Friday, September 16, 2005
Yes, these are children, who don't understand the difference between symbolic action and genuine faithful observance of religion. Thanks to the ruling, there's no chance that 9 western states will be able to teach those children how to tell the difference. We've swung to such an anti-religious extreme in this country that it's no longer politically correct to have substantive discussions about religious differences in public school. I find it pathetic that in a country which values freedom of speech and of religion that we would rather banish all traces of religion from our schools than teach students how to talk to each other about it. Shouldn't we be encouraging debate, not preventing the possibility of debate? Must we ask teachers, administrators, and even students to leave at home essential portions of themselves when they leave for school in the morning? Call me crazy, but that just seems un-American to me.

The first amendment prevents Congress from establishing a religion, but it also prevents Congress from preventing its free exercise. That same amendment also protects freedoms of speech, assembly, and petition. It does not say that any one of these rights is more important than the others. Does it make sense to resolve an apparent conflict of these freedoms to the satisfaction of a tiny minority of people, at the expense of the overwhelming majority?


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